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What can you protect?
We support you in acquiring, managing and making the most of the intellectual property rights of your ideas and projects.
- Inventions
- Mechanical devices
- Electronic devices
- Chemical or pharmaceutical products
- Innovative embodiments of existing products
- Logos
- Brands
- Design objects
- Industrial processes
- Software
- Engineering projects
- Artwork
- Plant variety
Our services

We are ARBO
We are a young, dynamic specialist firm with a single goal: to protect good ideas.
We work passionately, as we are highly dedicated to supporting and helping people and companies who want to protect the intellectual property of their ideas
We enthusiastically face the new challenges that are entrusted to us, every day.
Over the years we have regularly worked with:
- Law firms specialising in industrial law
- Qualified patent translators
- Specialised patent designers
- Designers and graphic designers
- Confindustria (Association of Italian industries)
- Patent research agencies
- Investment and financing agencies
- Economic evaluation and tax consultancy firms
- Chambers of Commerce
- Universities

Arbo was founded in Genoa in 2015 and today boasts offices also in Modena.
Via Colombo, 11-29
16121 Genova – Italy
Via Sant’Agostino, 5
41124 Modena – Italy